Jag får mail
Ämne: Oregelbunden aktivitet
Avsändare: Swedbank [[email protected]]
Skickat: on 2012-04-18 12:33
Hej, vi upptäckte oregelbunden aktivitet på ditt Swedbank konto.
Använd länken nedan för att verifiera ditt konto omedelbart:
Mvh, Swedbank
- Den enda oregelbundna aktiviteten på mitt konto skulle vara om det plötsligt fanns pengar där.
Ämne: Contact me asp
Avsändare: Song Li [[email protected]]
Skickat: to 2012-04-19 22:11
May I ask if you would be eligible to pursue a Business Proposal of $19.5m with me if you dont mind? Let me know if you are interested.
- Fråga kan man ju alltid…
Ämne: This is my letter for you
Avsändare: [email protected]
Skickat: to 2012-03-15 13:56
Hello. How you? You probably are very amazed to my message.
Who am I? Well that's simple I love the arts - music, theatre, museums and I also love to dance and keep myself fit so that I can do.I love to be at one with nature walking in the countryside where I do most of my thinking. To sum myself up - I love all beautiful things whatever that may mean. My interests are very different. There are many things I would like to deal with.I like reading and watching good films, as well as opera and jazz.I am extremely fond of dancing, painting and art. I like acute senses and beauty of nature, communication and travelling.I would like to meet a honest, reliable, sincere, kind, caring and loving man.I want to find my soul mate who will also be my best friend, a loving husband and a person that possess a loving heart that needs to be loved.I have a lot of love i want to give and share withsomeone who can receive that love and then give love in return.If I you are interested, I can send you their pictures. Hopefully, just to get your photos. Would be very glad to receive your response.
My personal email: [email protected]
I hope we will get acquainted. With warm regards, Elena.
- Min drömkvinna hörde av sig!